Our Vision

Carousel Connections continues to evolve to support individuals with disabilities as valued and contributing friends, colleagues, and neighbors. We use a skill building model to increase independence through choices in housing, volunteer and employment opportunities, and social and recreational experiences.

  • We build interdependent relationships among participants, families, and community partners focusing on reciprocity. 
  • We create tools and strategies for “next step” transitions and support the Readiness process across systems (ODP, family, relationships, community). 
  • We develop overall Wellness focusing on physical health and emotional regulation plans and support the individual as a “whole.”
  • We engage participants, families, and mentors using a person and family-centered approach and value their changing roles.
  • We believe in choice and the dignity of opportunities. 
  • We appreciate the strengths, perspectives, and challenges that we all experience. 
  • Together, we create a model of inclusion and belonging in our neighborhoods and larger community.